教學將本站博客網址 zfly9.blogspot.com 加入到 AdBlock 白名單, How to add zfly9.blogspot.com to the whitelist in AdBlock

教你該如何做才能把 zfly9.blogspot.com 加入到 AdBlock 裡面的白名單, 意思就是將該 zfly9.blogspot.com 網址加入到 AdBlock 內的許可清單

只是白名單之網址換成 zfly9.blogspot.com

操作步驟很簡單, 請大家務必做到

Step 1

Step 2
看到 AdBlock

Step 3
這一個步驟請注意, 要向下拉, 或是滑鼠中間的滾輪, 向下滾動

Step 4
滑鼠左鍵, 按住不放
選取 zfly9.blogspot.com
反藍色之後, 滑鼠右鍵, 複製

Step 5

Step 6
中間的框框內, 輸入 zfly9.blogspot.com

Step 7
下方就可以看到 zfly9.blogspot.com
該網址已經加入到 AdBlock 裡面的許可清單


AdBlock is a browser extension or software tool designed to prevent advertisements from displaying on web pages as you browse the internet. It works by blocking the scripts, images, and other elements that are responsible for displaying ads on websites. The primary goal of AdBlock is to improve the users online experience by reducing the intrusion of advertisements.

AdBlockers are popular because they can:

Reduce distractions: By blocking ads, users can focus on the content they are interested in without being distracted by banners, pop-ups, or other types of ads.

Speed up web browsing: Blocking ads can make web pages load faster since it eliminates the need to download and display ad content.

Enhance privacy: Advertisements often track user behavior for targeted advertising. AdBlockers can help protect your privacy by preventing such tracking.

Save bandwidth: By preventing the loading of ad content, AdBlockers can reduce the amount of data you consume while browsing the web.

However, it is important to note that AdBlock can have implications for content creators and websites that rely on advertising revenue to support their operations. When users block ads, it can reduce the income these sites receive, potentially affecting their ability to provide free content.

There are various AdBlock extensions and software available for different web browsers and operating systems. Some of the popular ones include AdBlock Plus, uBlock Origin, and AdGuard. Users can typically customize their AdBlock settings to allow ads on specific websites or to support non-intrusive advertising practices.

It is important to use AdBlock responsibly and consider supporting websites and content creators through alternative means if you appreciate their content, such as through donations, subscriptions, or whitelisting websites in your AdBlock settings.



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